Eleven Minutes

Eleven Minutes is one of the books that I think everybody should read it (or at least every adult).
first I haven't read much books for Paulo Coelho, only one two years ago, and I dont remember most of it.
But eleven Minutes is a whole new experience, first it's from a woman's POV, a completely different woman ( prostitute), in my society people criticized this book very badly, and thought is just too much. but I thought it was more than a book about a prostitute, it tells you about "prostitution" from a completely different side, and it distinguish sex from fake to real.
the story line was good, the writing was beautiful, even though I read the English translated book, and not the original.
I thought the book was blunt, and daring, and then it taught me about some other stuff I never knew about. I loved it.

Paulo Coelho website

Breaking Dawn

I've finally finished the fourth book in the saga of Twilight.
I have to say I wasn't that disappointed, because I knew the book won't be that good. I didn't have any good expectations of this book.
The plot wasn't that good, it was more like the 3rd book, weak and simple.
first of all there was a lack of romance between Edward and Bella (their story is sort of over, they lived happily ever after, there's nothing else). Edward wasn't romantic.
There was no adventure, and no suspense.
I have to confess some parts were fantastic -I'm not going to say which of these were because I don't want to write any spoilers.
I liked the new main character, the character that the whole book was about.
my point is the first half of the book was awesome, and fresh, but the second half was just an extra, and boring.

Tell No One

I've finished this book more than two weeks ago, but I've forgot to write about it here.
The book is written by Harlan Coben. I always heard about him, but never read books for him, and this is the first.
First I liked the idea of the book, a man looses his wife and some years later he finds that she might be still alive (and he has to keep that as a secret).
I liked the suspense in the book, and mystery. I would say this book is a really good thriller, it's touching because it also talks about love.
I loved this book because it was a thriller, I love thrillers, they never let me sleep without being excited to know the rest, and there was few action scenes (not like i understand action in books), and of course it was sort of romantic!
I would recommend this book to everyone who likes thrillers (but I think everybody has already read it, I was the latest).
They have made a n adapted movie for this book, but it's French (while the story is in the US).

Harlan Coben's website