Tell No One

I've finished this book more than two weeks ago, but I've forgot to write about it here.
The book is written by Harlan Coben. I always heard about him, but never read books for him, and this is the first.
First I liked the idea of the book, a man looses his wife and some years later he finds that she might be still alive (and he has to keep that as a secret).
I liked the suspense in the book, and mystery. I would say this book is a really good thriller, it's touching because it also talks about love.
I loved this book because it was a thriller, I love thrillers, they never let me sleep without being excited to know the rest, and there was few action scenes (not like i understand action in books), and of course it was sort of romantic!
I would recommend this book to everyone who likes thrillers (but I think everybody has already read it, I was the latest).
They have made a n adapted movie for this book, but it's French (while the story is in the US).

Harlan Coben's website