Breaking Dawn

I've finally finished the fourth book in the saga of Twilight.
I have to say I wasn't that disappointed, because I knew the book won't be that good. I didn't have any good expectations of this book.
The plot wasn't that good, it was more like the 3rd book, weak and simple.
first of all there was a lack of romance between Edward and Bella (their story is sort of over, they lived happily ever after, there's nothing else). Edward wasn't romantic.
There was no adventure, and no suspense.
I have to confess some parts were fantastic -I'm not going to say which of these were because I don't want to write any spoilers.
I liked the new main character, the character that the whole book was about.
my point is the first half of the book was awesome, and fresh, but the second half was just an extra, and boring.