Mr. Darcy's Diary

Mr. Darcy's Diary by Amanda Grange
I'm a huge Mr. Darcy's fan, and I would read anything related to it (not really, much depends), and I've read Pride and Prejudice more than once (in 3 languages), and have watched the BBC mini series (Colin Firth) and the 2005 adaptation more than 30000 times.
I never thought I would be reading Mr. Darcy's Diary; for I thought I would loose interest, and it might actually ruin my admiration for him, for I always thought he was mysterious and it's better this way.
I never read the continuations of P&P, I never thought I would, I thought they might ruin my imagination, and I LOVED P&P the way it is.
My sister's friend has brought the book, and my sister started reading it, unfortunately it was translated to Hebrew, and that was an excuse not to read it, since the translation always ruins the original, but still, I have enough curiosity to fail my ignorance. eventually I read it.
I read it, and while reading it I thought some parts disappointed me, but then remembered that i shouldn't have any expectations, and should consider this book as a fan fiction, like all other fan fictions, and should consider the effort the writer herself had done, and appreciate. I actually have found some amusing parts that made me laugh, smile and remember my huge love for P&P. Maybe if I read the book in English I would compare the level of the writing to Jane Austen. but unfortunately I didn't so I don't have anything to say concerning the style and writing, except that I thought it might be better if that wasn't a diary, for in a diary the main character keeps saying I a lot.
There are few things that didn't make any sense, and some characters were out of order. other scenes weren't as I imagined, and the feelings that Darcy shared weren't as I expected in some places. Mr. Darcy wasn't the Mr. Darcy I ALWAYS LOVED in P&P, neither was Elizabeth (I guess that was because of the different perspective of course). and did I mention, there was a lot of lack of creativity, not only in events in general, but also thoughts.
But still, it worth the trouble. and everybody wants to know more about Darcy. he is after all most interesting character in Literature (according to me at least).

A bend in a road

A bend in a Road by Nicholas sparks.
I read this story on a vacation, a mini break, in a warm place on a beach. at the beginning I thought it would be a typical love story, a man meets a woman, they fall in love.
Well, that was actually true, it's about a man who meets a woman, they fall in love. but still, there's another story.
The main character Miles Ryan meets Sarah Andrews, the teacher of his second grade son. his son is motherless, for his wife has died, or was killed in accident, as Miles claims. even after two years of the accident, after he meets Sarah, he wants to know who "killed" his wife. His wife's accident hunts him, specially when he gets the chance to know who was responsible.
I thought this book was different from other Nicholas Spark's novels I've read (which weren't many), because it also had a little kind of mystery (the investigation around the "crime"). And the style was nice, not as different, but I liked it.
In brief, I enjoyed this book, but it didn't make me cry, just few tiny tears (I tend to be easily affected). and it's still not my favorite book by Sparks.

Bridget Jones the Edge of Reason

Bridget Jones the Edge of Reason by Helen Fielding
As the prequel I read it again. and even though I had a huge exam (linguistics) I managed to finish this on every fast.
As some of you might know this one is based on Persuasion, like it's prequel was based on Pride and Prejudice (both by Jane Austen). the first one may have the best plot, and usually sequels aren't as good. but let me just say this: the edge of reason (the book ) is by 1000000000 times better than the film. the only advantage that the film has is the fact that there are Renee Zellweger and Colin Firth. and the fact that Hugh Grant has a big rule in the film (talking about the 2nd here) was a very unnecessary.
In the second book Bridget is more mature (IMHO), eventhough she's persuaded by her friends to leave her boyfriend - perfect and dashing Mr. Darcy.
The book contains amusing lines, hilarious scenes, and whatever you can find to read for pleasure. and it's like the first one, so true and Bridget is still one of us, she represents the girls. every single girl has at least a little Bridget in herself.
But what was even more fascinating about this book is rule of Colin Firth as Mr Darcy from Pride and Prejudice. he was mentioned a lot of times in this books, and there's a chapter where Bridget herself goes to interview him in Rome, asking him about Mr Darcy. hilarious interview, cannot be missed, and it's too bad it only appeared as an extra on DVD.
IF it was up to me, I would read this one again and again for all my life. I LOVE Bridget Jones and LOVE MR DARCY/COLIN FIRTH.

Bridget Jones's Diary

Bridget Jones's Diary by Helen Fielding
I've read this book before, and suddenly found it available in the library, so I took it to read it again. because I always wanted to read it again. it's one of top favorite books. SIMPLY LOVE IT.
the problematic thing about this book is that it never takes long, and I always wished it did. I finish it too soon and immediately run to read the sequel, and I'm waiting in vain till the sequel be available to take from the library. even though I have huge exams (for the end of the semester), and I wouldn't have time to read, I always could find a room for Bridget Jones.
This might sound sort of weird, since Bridget Jones is 30 something, and I'm not even 20 yet. But that's what so special about it, you don't need to be 30 something to enjoy this book.
I LOVED how this book is based on Pride and Prejudice (my favorite book of all times), and it's like the best modern version. and Mark Darcy is the best modern Mr Darcy, specially when it's based on and played by Colin Firth. And even at one point Bridget watches the mini series of P&P and starts comparing Mark Darcy to Mr Darcy. Simply Hilarious. the whole book is hilarious. and the way it's written is even more hilarious. I adapted the way that Bridget writes the diary, and I'm writing a diary that has the same style (not exactly the same, but pretty close).
what's so special about this book that's it's so true. everything that happens to Bridget is so true, she tells the truth, she doesn't hide anything, and what she tells is exactly what every girl wants to tell. and what happened to Bridget, happend to all of us. she has been through all our embarrassing moments. and I think Bridget herself would be the only one to understand us all.
We are ALL Bridget Jones. every girl has a little Bridget in herself.

this book is far more better than the film (the only advantage in the film that it actually has Colin Firth as Mark Darcy, and there's Hugh Grant as Daniel Cleaver and of course the sweet Renee Zellweger as Bridget Jones).


Austenland by Shannon Hale
I love evrything related to Jane Austen, and Pride and Prejudice is my favorite book of all times, and Mr Darcy is my fantasy man, and my favorite Mr Darcy is Colin Firth (well, as far as I know, he's everybody's favorite).
I once was just googling for P&P and Mr Darcy/Colin Firth, and came to website of Shannon Hale that had her new book Austenland. which is about a girl who's obsessed with Mr Darcy as played by Colin Firth, and it's actually ruining her love life. well, that kind of person is like me.
Anyway, I wanted to read the book, I thought this kind of book made specially for me. so I looked for it in every book store. but I couldn't find it anywhere. untill I got the audiobook, and listened to it on the way to the university.
I really enjoyed the book, maybe if I read it rather than listening to it could e much better and I would comprehend what's in it. but the audio book wasn't that bad.
It was really cool, and I wish I would go to something like an Austenland (sort of like a resort that more like living in an Austen world, inclusing costumes, manners, dances, etc.), so I was really moved of how the main character Jane was experiencing, and the gentlemen she meets, and the stories that happen all feel like Austen.
I was disappointed of the fact that it wasn't only about Colin Firth/Mr darcy, but it was more about men at the era in general. she mentioned Mr darcy only few times, and colin firth only 3 or 4 times, which is a shame, since I think I picked the book to get more of colin firth images insode my head. and then I was disappointed about the acting part, that all characters are actors. and the fact that Mr Darcy might not exist. and I still live in a fantasy, and the main characetr Jane has got over Mr Darcy, while I still hold him in my fantasy.

Bungalow 2

Bungalow 2 by Danielle Steel

I never actually read any book for Danielle Steel, even though I've heard of her before. I just couldn't decide in which book to start, for she had many books (it's like each month she publishes a new book). So I once picked Bungalow 2, and now then later, I started reading it.

At the beginning I wasn't too much drawn to the style, I thought it was simple, and normal, with no Complex characters, and I thought it was too mellow. But then the plot was developed, and the whole story became much more interesting, and then it became much more romantic, and some characters became a little bit complex, though not complex enough.
I loved the story, I loved how everything was simple in it. and loved how it included a happy ending, I love happy Endings.
I was disappointed in few places, but I loved the book, I've finished it too fast, I wish I didn't though. and I think it would be awesome if it was adapted to the screen, I would certainly watch it.

I was kind of disappointed that she didn't end up with Douglas, I fell in love with this character, I thought he was supposed to be the hero. but I was comforted that she ended up with an English man. I LOVE the English.

The Book Thief

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak.
The furst thing captured my attention for this book was it's narrator, which I didn't expect, THE DEATH.
I loved the concept of the book, it has a very interesting idea and I thought its style was amazing.
I loved that fact that it was narrated by death, I can't recall anyone has ever tried that before and death isn't how I imagined, for it was different, it looked to me as if a person whom you can understand.
I loved how the book is written about a period of time when there was a war, and specally in Germany, where people often misscomprehend how life was there. I loved the characters, I became attached to each, and I identefied with the main character, Liesel.
I loved the importance of erading in the book, for it's all about reading, and the power that one book can give you, and then the writing.
There were a lot of things I admired, adn a lot of quotes I loved. it's one of the greatest books, I think everybody should read it once, and I higly recommend it to all ages.

The Book Thief website
Markus Zusak