The Book Thief

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak.
The furst thing captured my attention for this book was it's narrator, which I didn't expect, THE DEATH.
I loved the concept of the book, it has a very interesting idea and I thought its style was amazing.
I loved that fact that it was narrated by death, I can't recall anyone has ever tried that before and death isn't how I imagined, for it was different, it looked to me as if a person whom you can understand.
I loved how the book is written about a period of time when there was a war, and specally in Germany, where people often misscomprehend how life was there. I loved the characters, I became attached to each, and I identefied with the main character, Liesel.
I loved the importance of erading in the book, for it's all about reading, and the power that one book can give you, and then the writing.
There were a lot of things I admired, adn a lot of quotes I loved. it's one of the greatest books, I think everybody should read it once, and I higly recommend it to all ages.

The Book Thief website
Markus Zusak