Bungalow 2

Bungalow 2 by Danielle Steel

I never actually read any book for Danielle Steel, even though I've heard of her before. I just couldn't decide in which book to start, for she had many books (it's like each month she publishes a new book). So I once picked Bungalow 2, and now then later, I started reading it.

At the beginning I wasn't too much drawn to the style, I thought it was simple, and normal, with no Complex characters, and I thought it was too mellow. But then the plot was developed, and the whole story became much more interesting, and then it became much more romantic, and some characters became a little bit complex, though not complex enough.
I loved the story, I loved how everything was simple in it. and loved how it included a happy ending, I love happy Endings.
I was disappointed in few places, but I loved the book, I've finished it too fast, I wish I didn't though. and I think it would be awesome if it was adapted to the screen, I would certainly watch it.

I was kind of disappointed that she didn't end up with Douglas, I fell in love with this character, I thought he was supposed to be the hero. but I was comforted that she ended up with an English man. I LOVE the English.